Dentistry Support® : The Podcast

What Your Marketing Is Missing

Sarah Beth Herman Season 2 Episode 36

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Ever feel like your business is stuck in the shadows, unable to shine in the crowded market? In Season 2 of Dentistry Support the Podcast, host Sarah Beth Herman is here to change that. With her infectious energy, she invites you to explore the hurdles and potential solutions to elevate your presence in any industry. This episode promises a vibrant discussion featuring industry experts and mentees of Sarah Beth's mentor group led with Tara Dunn, Expansion Mastermind - Krissy Andres, Tara Dunn, and Jennifer Miranda. Listen and learn about their fascinating strategies on building an engaging brand, leveraging genuine connections, and maximizing your reach with SEO and other tools. Are you ready to learn practical branding strategies and the secret to a compelling virtual storefront? Join us and discover how to align your brand values with your business vision, while attracting clients who resonate with your true self. Come for the wisdom, stay for the laughs, and leave with the inspiration to make your mark visible to the world.

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  Hello and welcome to season two of Dentistry Support the Podcast with your host, the kindhearted and infectious Sarah Beth Herman. We're back for a new season and ready to pack a punch. In every episode, we'll be sharing you quick, impactful insights into the challenges our dental community and leaders in all industries face.

Expect a little bit of flair, a few laughs, and you might even recognize a friend or two. Because of you, we are the number one podcast in dentistry and number one in management and business. And we couldn't be more excited. To keep bringing you practical wisdom and leadership with a servant's heart, all delivered in just enough time for your commute or morning team huddle.

We're glad you're here. So let's get into it. Please welcome your host, Sarah Beth.  Welcome back to the show. My name is Sarah Beth Herman, your host. Of dentistry support the podcast. I'm really excited to welcome you guys back to the show today. We have a few familiar and some unfamiliar faces to the show, and we are going to be talking all about marketing branding, SEO, what that looks like for your small business.

Or your organization that you run. So today we're going to have a round table discussion. You'll hear less from me and more from the guests I have on the show. I have a Jennifer Miranda. I have Chrissy Andres and Tara Dunn. You'll learn all about them in the show notes today. So if you haven't checked those out yet, I'm encouraging you to head back there.

So you can learn all about these amazing women who are going to be chatting and giving you some insights and inspiration to either rebrand, start a new Start branding, get your marketing in check, or maybe even give you tips and things to watch out for that maybe you shouldn't have been doing or should start doing.

 Without further ado, we're going to get started.  I'll start with Tara Dunn. She's been on the show before you guys have met her in a previous episode. And also if you haven't listened to that episode, go back and listen. She's really awesome. So Tara, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Thank you for having me, Sarah Beth and I am Tara Dunn. I'm a branding photographer in Arizona and I also work with small businesses and mentor them in just really honing in on their client experience and finding ways to portray that through images and video and give them an option to just really connect with their clients before they come while they are a client and then to reach clients that haven't even found them yet.

Wonderful. Thank you so much, Tara. Jennifer, I would love to hear from you what you do. How'd you come to be here today? Let's get to know you a little bit. Thank you. Thank you for having me. I'm Jennifer Miranda. I am a brand strategist, website designer, content creator. And I met this group through Tara Dunn, who I met during branding photography.

We worked together on a lot of projects. She'll snap the images and I put the websites and the brands together. But yeah, that's that's how I'm here. Okay. Awesome. Well, thank you so much. Welcome to the show. Chrissy, you've been a guest on the show a couple times now. Welcome back. If you'll give us just a quick intro as to who you are and what you do.

Yeah, I'm Chrissy Andres. I have a co founded Business with Sarah Beth Herman and it's just a blessing to be here with all these lovely ladies, just really networking and building who we are. I'm a mentor. I am a leadership coach and I love everything, just growth and development. So I'm here to help you grow today.

Well, ladies, I want to start our roundtable discussion just about talking about building our visibility. You know, as women in this world, I feel like we struggle with being visible in certain rooms, in certain spaces. And so when we think about visibility, we shift gears for just a moment and we think about our business.

What makes our business stand out? What makes us a business that someone would want to do business with, how do people find us? So I want to talk about optimizing SEO. So if anyone hasn't heard of SEO, that search engine optimization, if someone goes to Google, how do they find you? That's what we're talking about.

And so how that makes a difference in business and then what tools or strategies that have been really, really helpful. And so to kick that off, Jennifer, do you have tools that you use from an SEO standpoint that have been really helpful for you and your journey? I know I've done a few things and I have my hand in that, but from an expert and especially in your category, I'd love to hear a couple of tools that you've used that have really helped your business stand out.

So I am definitely more into the design side of things. My, my theory on websites is you can have all the SEO in the world, but if you don't have something that's going to keep your user engaged,  there's not much that Google will do for you. But what I do know is that using keywords that are related to directly to your industry and all of your copywriting is crucial.

There's tons of keyword searches out there that you can use related to yours. I personally, my favorite is chat  GPT.  Where I gather all of my keywords. That's where I look for all of the sort of industry specific questions that my clients have. And I'm able to do it very quickly and very efficiently with that.

The other thing that I do is I tag all of the pictures with alt tags. So any picture that's on your website, it needs a title and it needs a description. So what I do is I type in exactly what's in that picture or what I think somebody would be searching for. For instance, when Tara does my photos, I'll, in  ChatGPT, describe a editorial brand photography shoot for a website designer.

I need a title and a description for that, and then I use kind of what I'm given, edit where it needs to be, and put that into every single image that's on a website.  Lastly is just things like text properties, making sure your headers are marked correctly, your paragraphs, your navigation links, all of those.

Buttons have specific properties that need to be tagged in a website, whether it's h1, h2, h3. We can go on for a while about those, but yeah, that's how I optimize my clients websites for sure. So one tool that I have found amazing for wanting to know what relevant keywords you should use on your website is is a website called Answer the Public.

So  ChatGPT is amazing because you can actually ask it to, you can give it prompts to do research for you. So I love that you brought up ChatGPT. So one really cool thing is to utilize those two in conjunction. Go to Answer the Public, ask it what, put whatever your industry is in there, and it will tell you like the top hundred things people are searching on Google.

Bring that over to chat GPT, give it a prompt saying, Hey, this is what people are asking. Give me keywords that have something to do with this. I mean, you can use so many cool tools like that. And chat GPT is a powerhouse. You guys, I'm telling you right now, if you do not know it, my mother in law, she's in her late sixties.

And she called me the other day and was like, Hey, have you ever heard of chat pt? I just took a class on it and I'm like, guys, , it's taking over. So yes, there's chat PTs. Amazing answer. The public is amazing. And the other one that I love is Uber Suggest which is a downloadable from the Google Play Store.

It's just a little extension you can put on any browser If you download, Uber suggests. You can literally click on it. It will tell you everything about your website. What H4, how many of those heading tags you have. What your number count is. There's so much good stuff in there that you can actually get from using free resources.

Answer the Public, you get three searches a day. It's free. Chat GPT, free unless you go for the paid version. Uber Suggest, free. There's a lot of free stuff out there. You don't have to pay.  So, Chrissy or Tara, do you have any tools that you have used when it comes to branding strategy that have been particularly helpful that you would love to share your experience with?

Yeah. I think the big one for me is like you said, finding things that work for you, right? I think it's not just driving everything to your website. I think it's actually getting those things done. Those clientele and the people that you want to be there in that circle of influence. And so there's a difference between having SEO and just having everybody come.

But are we like getting the actual clients that we want and need and desire for our businesses? So I think just really cross referencing everything that we have, utilizing everything that Tara and Jennifer also talk about, because the collaboration of the three is just substantial. I mean, I don't know if there's any particulars that you have, Tara.

Something that I would add, I thought of Ubersuggest, as you were saying that, Sarabeth, because that's something that I've used to just help, especially with blog posts. So, blogging and using Pinterest has actually been a great thing for my business because Being a photographer is very much visual. So a lot of people want to see what kind of pictures I'm taking or I'm providing for my clients and utilizing blog posts to really speak and educate the clients and connect people.

So if I do a branding session with someone, I typically do a blog post about it so I can have cross references for the actual business that I worked with, as well as anyone else who collaborated. So when Jennifer. And I have worked together on a client. I will make sure to tag her as the web designer and branding expert.

And then also the company or business that we worked with. And then in turn, that is recognized by Google as well as on Pinterest. It's recognized just another search engine that if you type in Arizona branding photographer, hopefully you'll see me somewhere. On there, I have quite a large audience.

I'm still working on getting that to convert, but there's. There's always somebody looking at something and then it leads back to your website or whatever it may be. And like Chrissy said, it really gives you a chance to speak to the clients that will resonate with you and they'll have a chance to connect with you over multiple platforms using those keywords and everything.

It's all encompassing. I agree that it all works together. And what I'm hearing from you, Tara, is collaboration. Like, these are all just different levels of collaboration. If you guys work on a project, you're including everybody because I feel like those spheres of influence immediately grow. Your sphere of influence goes from, oh, Tara just works with Jennifer and so, but now it's Tara with Jennifer and this was the location that they were at and this is the area of people that they were serving and this is who their ideal client is and so we've now expanded our horizon here and we're no longer just talking about two people that work together, we're talking about a whole network of people that have worked together.

Jennifer, I have a question for you. You spoke some, really some, you spoke about a few things that really resonated with me. How has your approach to marketing changed as you've aligned your own values? You know, if you think about who you are, the core of the person you are, obviously who you are comes out in how you do the work that you do.

So tell me how you've aligned your values, your vision to what your business is, and then spread that to other people. So when it comes to marketing, I'm an open book. I work from home. My, my kids are here and it's much easier to just show what's really going on. I don't want to have to hide anything. I don't want to have to like mask what's really there.

So authenticity is a buzzword, but it's genuinely helped my marketing. It's helped me connect with people who I come across on socials. I don't necessarily like. Post my kids on my business website. So I know how to keep a little bit of a boundary between the two. But when it comes to socials, definitely having more fun and just being who I really am has been the best.

I love it. Tara, what what information could you share with us? It's just about making sure that your, your values are set in stone before you go to market. I think, and I'm asking that question from the standpoint that I think a lot of times we have a business idea and we want that business to be really successful.

And so what we do is we just like run with it, you know, we, we run with it, we go, but if your values. Are not in sync with what you want to do. I feel like we miss out on the potential customers we could have. And so I want to hone in on that value side of things because you are literally a branding photographer.

When I show up, you're like, confidence is key. I just need you to be confident right now. Like I don't care about anything else. I just want you to be confident. What are the values that you try to coach us through? Talk me through a little bit of that. So my biggest thing. Along with being authentic and showing your true self would really just be to connect with people and finding those connections and putting yourself out there for those connections.

So when I mentioned confidence  as the first few sentences, I say, when you show up for a branding session or when we meet somewhere for a branding session, I am talking more about choosing confidence.  For the people that are meant to connect with you. So if we choose to be confident for them, it's a little easier sometimes than being confident.

on the inside because that's hard at times and sometimes we don't want to show up exactly as we are or maybe we have an embarrassing past or this or that or whatever it may be but That is when people can truly connect with you is when you can be authentic and who you are and I am all about finding collaborations connections All of you on this call happened that way jennifer.

I met you at  studio and I literally just said hi and she started talking to me and she's like, I just moved here. I don't really know anybody. I said, okay, well let's be friends. And here we go. And we introduced each other to different friends and people. And now similar story with you, Sarah Beth, I just literally walked up to you and asked to take your picture.

And then here we are months later and you introduced me to Chrissy and now I feel connected to her. And I just  know that this large. network of connections, whether that is through the blog posts that I'm doing, the in person connections I'm making, whatever that may be, that truly gives people a way to show their authenticity and then really find who they  just have anything in common with or whatever it may be, or the people that are meant to meet them and be around them.

And I think that that has truly given.  More confidence and just showing up in person has given other people the chance to see who I am and what I'm about. So I think that those in person meetups are probably the most important. So if you're hesitating to do that, or you're kind of retreat, or you tend to be a little bit more introverted, just giving yourself a little nudge and pat on the back to do that every once in a while, because you never know who you're going to run into or.

Find that you connect with and I think that that truly gives you a leg to stand on and Once someone knows who you are or has a little bit of a connection with you You're going to be in their mind They're going to think of you When they're doing something else or if somebody meets jennifer or I talk about jennifer, whatever it may be They'll see her or talk with her or go to somebody else and say, you know what?

I know a web designer I know someone who's a branding expert or whatever it may be and that's  where the ball just keeps rolling and we can  all find a connection to one another. I love it. Chrissy, if you were to give wisdom, advice on marketing yourself, and you had one tip to give someone, any tip it could be, if someone was nervous to start marketing, didn't know where to start, didn't understand even what really marketing was, if there was one Key tip you could give to someone maybe a struggling business that's just never thought of the marketing side What is one tip you could give someone that would really jumpstart them?

Into beginning that start that for that phase of actually marketing and getting themselves out there Yeah, I think honestly, it's just do it. I know that sounds really cliche, but There's so many times we get in our head, and I've been there, we've all been there. And it's just, you want to sit back and you're like, it's not perfect enough.

I'm not good enough to be in this circle of influence. And I think if we could just get out of our own head and just get out there and do it. And like Tara said, like, it's, it's a big deal to be authentic. There's a very big difference between. Being who we want ourselves to be and then being what we view other people would like us to see.

Right. And so I think that's a really big difference that most people don't think about. And when you're really in it for yourself and you're why you're going to progress and be more successful than you could have ever pictured to begin with. So building those, those strengths of confidence to be able to say, yes, I'm going to put myself out there and I'm just going to get started.

And also seeking a mentor, a mentor that could hot that could help you through and possibly show you those marketing strategies. We have all four of us on this call is more than welcome to come in and help support those needs. So it's just getting yourself out there and finding people that are like minded to help coach you through.

Amazing. Thank you so much, Jennifer. I have a question for you when you talk about website design and you are helping people create their virtual storefront. Of course, people don't have a brick and mortar. I mean, some businesses do have a brick and mortar, but your website is If I didn't have a brick and mortar, this is the experience you're going to have with me.

So I love how you said, Hey, it doesn't matter what kind of SEO you have. If you don't have a homepage, that's going to make somebody stay there for longer than three seconds. It doesn't matter how hard you work on that. Right? So talk to me, talk to me a little bit about what it looks like to refine your brand so that your business can grow.

I mean,  When I say that, I mean, talk to me about what is something, maybe people just try to too broad, advertise themselves. Like this is, I do all these things. You should come do business with me. How do we go about doing that? What does refining our brand look like? And how does that translate into the work that you do and advice you have?

Okay. I had a great talk with Jamie and Terrence, so I'm going to bring up a little bit of what we discussed.  There's so many ways you can look for inspiration, right? You can scroll for inspiration. You can check Pinterest for inspiration. You can hire business coaches for inspiration and all of those are pieces to the puzzle.

But if you're not doing the inner work, if you're not, Sitting there and creating something that feels authentic to who you want to talk to, who you want to be perceived as, what really goes on in your business. You know, it's not, there's so much like inner work that you can't really outsource. that has to be done.

So a lot of times when we're refining messages, when I do have clients that come to me for brand and website design, there's a lot of like questionnaires. I send them where they can really dive deep and answer these internally. And in my messaging, I even say, like, these are guided questions that are going to help us achieve an outcome.

But you answer these on your own. We don't do it on a live call. I tell them to take 48 hours, sit on it, come back. And I feel like that is where the magic happens. That's where you really are able to pull out the deep, right? And, and that is what I feel like should be in your branding and in your website design.

But yeah, so refining it is, is the key. And then your website is supposed to turn every interaction into an opportunity. So your about page has a reason if it's there, right? There's people who are analytical buyers and they want to know where you went to high school. They're, they're going on your page looking for every little detail.

But there's also the skimmers, the people who are just reading the headers and kind of browsing. There's, there's a bunch of different types of buyers and it's important to have information on your website that appeals to each and every one of them using the sales psychology. Another thing I see a lot of people run into is getting caught by what they like, right?

So it's like, well, I like this. So that's why it's on my website. That's actually kind of a selfish standpoint because your website isn't for you. It's for your audience. So anyway, refining that message is an internal thing that you have to do with the help of professionals, with the help of support when you're ready for it, but really just  Being that, you know, that place of this is what I want to do.

This is who I want to target. This is why I'm doing what I want to do. All of that has to happen before anything. So you have piqued my interest, and I think that our listeners would totally love to hear this from you. Tip from you. So I want to ask you if you were to think about like the top three kind of buyers that there are that we could all work on our website to try to cater because I am very guilty of thinking that I know what's best for the people who might do business with me.

Can I, can anybody else agree? Like I know what's best for who's going to do business with me. Tara, you know what's best. When I walk in, you know what's best for me and I'm trusting that you will and that's why I do business with you. But as a business owner,  I think I might have blinders to that. So if I were to think about the top three kind of buyers, what are three buyers that I would want to try to figure out a way to cater my website to from a marketing standpoint?

So you definitely have your, your artists, your visuals, right? There's people who are very creative and they want to see. See what you do. So what that means is high quality video, high quality photography. Those people are very piqued by visually getting the insight of what you offer from a media standpoint, you also want to appeal to the analytical buyers who are reading every single word on your page.

So if you think it might be a little bit too much text, not only does it help SEO, if it's relevant to what you do, there's analytical buyers out there who are just digging through and. Absorbing that content. So blogs are great for that, right? You're going to have maybe a portfolio where you talk about past projects or past clients, right?

And describing the projects and what you took client A from and how they got from A to B. That sort of information should be somewhere on your website. And then also you have people who just are, how do I say this? People lose interest within three seconds, right? So you really have to get their attention somehow.

And the way I like to do this is.  Subtle hover animations, right? Like maybe when your mouse moves over a certain thing, there's something that piques their interest. Or you might have like a form with different categories of information and they can kind of click through and these are called user interactions.

And it's actually like a game to some people. Video games are huge, we all know. Some people like to sit and click through these interesting hover animations. Another big one is like super fast. scroll animations when they're scrolling the page. Maybe you kind of  surprised them and there's something that they didn't expect to happen and all of a sudden they're interested again.

So there's just there's a beautiful way. You can blend all of these together. The other thing to keep in mind is when it comes to branding, you kind of want to stick to yours, right? Because there's. A hundred different things you can do in your branding. When you work with a branding person, you have like a set sort of vibe that you're going for.

So if you're loud and exciting, maybe your animations are fast, right? Like they're loud. They're exciting. They're, they're big. If you're more like chill and reserved, well, I feel like your hover animation should be more calm and chill and subtle. So using branding strategically like that all over your website it's definitely.

Couple of places to get started. Beautiful. I love it. Tara, what is a personal growth thing that you worked on that influenced your brand the heaviest? Like give me your top thing that you chose to work on personally that helped make your brand what it is today. Well, my number one thing was going to say, well, her name is Jennifer and she's right below me on the screen.

If you have the same screen as me. So I was. Grateful and thankful enough to be able to invest in Jennifer over the last year and she I redid from scratch, pretty much my website, I will say from scratch and created all of these things to make my website something that I'm very proud of.  Well, we are very proud of because really it was 98 percent her.

So it's, that was something that really helped me feel that I was able to. Just move forward. I had done my own website. It was fine. But when people would say, Oh, do you have a website? I'm like, Oh, just look at my Instagram. Just look at my Instagram. I didn't want people to go to my website, but as I'm growing in my career and have been over the last decade, I Don't know why I hadn't done this until more recently.

It just was something I kept putting off and it was because I was going to have to do it. And I was putting so much pressure on myself to wear 47 hats and honestly outsourcing. So in addition to Jennifer outsourcing different things that I felt that I needed to be in control of and do myself has really given me the opportunity to be more creative and really be in my sweet spot and where I need to be in my In the branding realm.

And that is being a photographer and having that visual representation for my clients. So I have outsourced my social media, my blog writing. And just recently, as in the last week, I hired an assistant to help me five to 10 hours a week. And. I know that will be a game changer as well. So  having someone else that's an expert in their field has been the biggest point of growth.

And that started with my website with Jennifer. So I love it. Chrissy, I want to ask you a few questions about the brand that you've articulated. When you introduced yourself today, you talked about a few different ways that That you have really changed and transformed your own life by being a life coach, by being a mentor.

You're a leader. You're a business owner. You're all the different things. Talk to me a little bit about what that marketing looks like from your standpoint. Like how are you? And I want you to share this with us from the standpoint that you're giving advice to listeners. You're teaching them how you've taken yourself from someone who is a corporate boss babe, if you will, into a solopreneur role.

And now you're doing all of these different ventures. Talk to me about what marketing looks like for yourself. Yeah, I think it's understanding your why and what you want to project. So just like everything we've talked about, it's really getting yourself out there and understanding that value. Cause again, you go from corporate, you have everything at your, your disposal, right?

And now it's finding out who you want to work with to really move that needle and who's going to follow that vision that you already have in place for a successful business. And so marketing is key to absolutely everything and just making everything cohesively go together. And so for me, it was just building that network behind me, the support system that I needed to realize I can't do it all myself.

As much as I'm like, nobody knows how to do it better than me. There are experts that can do it a million times faster. It can propel me so much faster because I could sit here and do everything that Jennifer does. And it's going to take me months and months and months to do where I can just hire her to do it for me.

And we can hit the ground running. And so I think really understanding we are our worst critics. We are worst judges. We get in our own ways. If we could just get out of our own ways, we could be better in a better situation than what we were. And so marketing allows that to happen, but not without a passionate network right behind you, helping you propel forward for that growth.

And Chrissy, for those that are listening that are thinking, you know what, I don't have the money to hire someone and maybe they're in a slump today. Maybe they're depressed, sad, and they don't know how to continue their business on for whatever reason. I know you've been there before. You know, you and I have talked many times at nauseam, sometimes just our woes of business.

I mean, those are real things that happen. Business isn't always perfect and we aren't always in the perfect posture to be successful. What is some advice that you could give to someone who maybe is in that imperfect space of their world right now and they need to get out there and start marketing?

Like how do they? push themselves to get there. I mean, you are a strong woman. You have the right words, you have the right posture, you have the friendly demeanor, but there, everybody isn't like you. And so what is the advice you would give to help someone get there? I think it's just, honestly, it's asking questions.

Sometimes I think we have in our head that if we can't hire something or pay for a service that it's just that we can't do it. But there's so many free resources out there, and it's just simply asking some professionals sometimes to just be like, Hey, can I pick your brain for a minute? Because I will tell you, anybody that's in any industry is very grateful for that question and to get out of their own way to allow that help and support knowing that they're helping you.

And so sometimes it's not always a paid benefit.  That's just the intro, too, if you did need to get there, but Understanding that people want to share knowledge with you, successful entrepreneurs want to share how they got there. And if they're getting to the top and they're gatekeeping, that's not the people we want to work with anyways.

So just really utilizing again. We talk about collaboration and networks and just building that. And, you know, there might be situations where I'm like, Hey, Sarah Beth, can you tell me about this? You know, I don't know that, but I know somebody that might know. Let me ask them. them. So really just get out of your way and just get started.

Ask the questions. And if you don't, again, chat, GBT is huge. You can ask any questions and it will teach you whatever you want to know in a matter of seconds. So just  block that time out to educate yourself on where you need to go and where that next step needs to go for you in marketing and whether it's social media, whether it's your own website, whether it's branding, seek out that advice from people, and it doesn't have to be paid for.

Awesome. Jennifer, I'd love to take a minute to ask you if I was wanting to do business with you or if one of our listeners wanted to do business with you, how would they get in touch with you? What does it look like? Do you charge for an initial phone call? How do you work? Tell me quickly, how could I get to know you or get to meet with you so that I could use your services?

Go to my website. That's www. jadellconsulting. com. Jadell is J A D E L L E. And that's also my screen name on Instagram and TikTok. I would stalk my content for a little bit. Make sure that I'm the best design choice for you. For what you're looking for. I think that's crucial. You can see my work. You can see kind of my vibe and see if it's something that you enjoy or something that you are interested to get more more info on.

I'd love to set up a consultation call. I don't charge for inquiry calls at all. I'm also really big in the DM. So feel free to shoot me a message and we can just get to know each other. Awesome. Thank you so much. Tara, I'm going to go to you next. So Tara, if someone wanted to work with you, whether they lived in Arizona or they didn't, and they would love to just have a branding photographer, pick your brain, get to know how it, what it looks like to work with you.

How would someone go about doing that? And what does that look like to work with you? First of all, I would love if you take a look at my website again, just like Jennifer said, just to make sure that I align with you and you can kind of take a look at some of my work and see some of the process there.

And there's a contact form. And from there, it will send you an email to schedule a dream call, which is a complimentary call that I just get to hear your dreams. We get to dream together and we can just see how we connect and go from there. I did mention that I have somebody running my social media, but I am in the DMs, so please message me there if you'd like, or if you have any questions at all, you can email me at taradunphotography at gmail.

com, and that is also my Instagram handle, as well as the website, taradunphotography. So I will hopefully connect with you there. Awesome. Thank you so much, Tara. Chrissy, if you could share with us for just a moment, how someone could reach out to you, how they could connect with you and what that looks like.

You know, if I, if I was a, if I was a struggling business and I really needed your mentorship. to grow my business, get me to the next level. What does it look like to work with you? Can I schedule a call? How does that work? Absolutely. I do offer complimentary 30 minute intro calls. I would love to get to know you and just make sure I'm a good fit for you and your company and the vision that you guys have.

So we would love for you to reach out. You can find us on On www dot dentistry support. com or easily on Instagram. My Instagram handle is mentored dot Chrissy. That's K R I S S Y. You can reach me there. I am responding all the time to my DMS. I really like to connect personally, so that is probably the easiest and best way to do that, but I would love to get in touch and see how I can help your companies thrive.

Awesome. All right, that's a wrap. Your that's good moment for this episode. I think we can all agree that learning to have and cultivate relationships  with people is so valuable. Tara, you brought in some amazing insights on just taking the time to cultivate relationships. Build your connections, take the time, show up for yourself to really articulate your brand.

Jennifer, you did a great job just sharing with us that, Hey, all the SEO in the world isn't going to give you a great website, or it isn't going to build you a million dollar brand. You've got to articulate who you are through what your clients or customers are going to see.  visit your site. I also love how you shared with us different types of lucky lose when it comes to your website and different functionalities of our website that we should implement because those change everything about how people interact, how long they stay on our website.

All that stuff is so good. Chrissy, I loved hearing all you had to say about mindset, what it looks like to really cultivate that space. Not only just in your circle, but for yourself, getting your own mind, right? You can do this. We limit our own potential by not stepping out there and just doing it. Thank you all so much for joining us on this episode of dentistry, support the podcast.

We'll catch you all on the next episode. Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of dentistry. podcast. If you want to get in on the conversation or have something to share, join us on our Facebook group, the dental collaborative looking to connect or to be a guest head over to dentistry support.

com. Or if you'd like to learn more about your host, Sarah, Beth, or maybe you're thinking of starting your own podcast or looking for mentorship opportunities, well, just visit sarahbethherman. com. If you've got just a sec, remember to rate, subscribe, and leave a review for the podcast. That helps us keep growing.

Thanks for supporting the show, and we hope you'll join us again in the next episode of Dentistry Support the Podcast.

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